From Autumn 2016 Southport Melodic Jazz will be promoting occasional (3 or 4 per year) “Jazz Days” at The Royal Clifton Hotel comprising at least two concerts each day. Details will be included on this home page - please scroll down. For more information and to book tickets please ring Geoff Matthews on 01704 541790 (office hours) or email matthewsjazz@sky.com

A new ‘Southport Jazz Club’ has been formed to promote regular monthly concerts at various venues in the town under the leadership of Tom Sykes, Mike Smith and Miranda Rimmer. To view the programme and for ticketing information please click on the website www.southportjazzclub.com
The long running and successful annual international ‘Jazz on a Winter’s Weekend’ festival will be continuing under the directorship of Neil Hughes at The Royal Clifton Hotel Southport during the first weekend in February. To view the current programme and for ticketing information please click on the website www.southportjazzfestival.com